Aatishkumar Dhami
California State University Long Beach
Long Beach, CA 90840
Dr Munish Kumar
K L E F Deemed To Be University
Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh 522302, India
This paper investigates the potential of large language models (LLMs) to enhance programming productivity through domain-specific code generation. By integrating domain expertise with advanced machine learning techniques, our approach tailors LLMs to generate code that aligns closely with specialized application requirements. The study outlines a systematic framework for fine-tuning language models using domain-specific datasets, enabling the automated synthesis of accurate and efficient code. Experimental results demonstrate that this targeted methodology not only reduces development time and mitigates common coding errors but also improves overall code maintainability. Comparisons with traditional programming practices reveal that domain-adapted LLMs provide significant gains in both speed and reliability. The insights derived from this research contribute to a broader understanding of how artificial intelligence can be leveraged to streamline software development processes, ultimately offering a robust toolset for modern developers.
Large Language Models, Domain-Specific Code Generation, Programming Productivity, Fine-Tuning, AI-Assisted Development, Software Automation, Domain Expertise Integration, Code Synthesis
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